So I haven’t written in a while.
Mostly because on the day of my last entry - the day I wrote
a blog about, well, you can read it for yourself. I’m trying not to be too
flippant in this entry - was the day we urgently went to the hospital because
Jenny wasn’t feeling well and were told we had had a miscarriage.
Which was terrible.
In fact that day was probably the worst day of my entire
life. There was crying and numbness and crying and decisions and some more
crying. Everything happened and was done all on that one day. Suffice to say it
was fairly exhausting for all concerned.
But…it’s not all bad news because, although that day and the
days after were fairly emotional and not the happiest, at least now we know that
we can get pregnant and that’s surely a positive. The miscarriage thing, we’ve
been told, is a fairly common occurrence – almost a third of all pregnancies go
this way – so while yes, it was, and occasionally still is, horrible it’s
nothing too major and we’ll be trying again before too long.
We’ve drawn a line under it and moved on.
Positive thoughts, people.
Positive thoughts.