"Well, duh" you might think, but there's more to it than that. Let me explain.
I've loved things before, loved people before. I love my wife, I love my family, I love a good meal, a perfect cup of tea and a great [I couldn't think of a third example]. I love Die Hard. But until my son was born I didn't think it would be possible to love something or someone as much as I love him. He's increased my capacity to love something.
He's increased it and filled it easily.
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Aaaaaand...I'm crying. |
It would be impossible for him to do anything that wouldn't make me love him with all of my heart. Not that he does anything anyway. He's just over three months old now and has almost mastered the art of rolling over. That's the extent of his abilities right now, besides pooing, peeing and smiling. Yet I don't think (although I'm sure I'll be proved wrong when he starts doing something else new) that I could love him any more than I currently do.
As is their wont, babies tend to wake up in the middle of the night for a variety of reasons. Yet no matter how many times I'm up during the night, no matter how little sleep we get because he's yelling, no matter how long and loud he's cries for no reason we can decipher I'll not and I'll never love him any less. Yes, being a parent can be incredibly frustrating at times, but when I look at his silly little face and he looks back at me with his big blue eyes, it's all I can do not to burst into tears with happiness. Writing this now is almost pushing me over the edge if I'm honest. He's recently started laughing - or at least trying to laugh - and every time he does that, I can feel myself welling up. When I come home from work and he sees me for the first time and he smiles; it's the best part of my day.
I'm not going to say if you don't have a child, you don't understand because horses for courses and all that, but I know in my whole life I've never experienced happiness like this. That's not to say the folks in my life pre-Isaac didn't make me happy. Of course they did. Sometimes I think I love him even more than I love my wife. Well, no, not more, but in a different way. But I think it's more that my son, our son is something no-one else had a part in creating. He literally couldn't be any more mine/ours. And that is what I think makes me so happy. We made him. I love him more than you could possibly imagine.
I love him more than anything I've ever seen or experienced.
I love him more than anyone I've ever known.
I love him more than Die Hard.
And I LOVE Die Hard.
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Don't cry, Bruce. |